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The [WTTL] Multi-Gaming Community was founded in mid 2013. [WTTL] was created for any gamer who not wants to play alone. [WTTL] want to give gamers for any game a place to talk about, to help each other and to play with each other. We also want to serve you some of the best gaming servers with custom scripts and plugins. The community strives off of member activity and the more that members are involved the more the comunity grows. We don't just stick to one game, we rather try to have as many games as possible associated with the community.


Die [WTTL] Mutli-Gaming Community wurde mitte 2013 gegründet. [WTTL] wurde für jeden Spieler, der nicht alleine spielen möchte erschaffen. [WTTL] möchte Spielern für jedes Spiel einen Platz zum reden anbieten, um sich gegenseitig  zu helfen und miteinander zu spielen. Wir möchten Euch auch einige der besten Gaming Servers mit eigens erstellen scripten und Erweiterungen bieten. Die Community besteht durch die Mitgliederaktivität und je mehr Member involviert sind, desto mehr wächst die Community. Wir haben nicht vor uns auf nur ein Game zu konzentrieren, wir versuchen eher so viele Spiele wie möglich mit der Community zu verknüpfen.

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Walk to the light Premium
Support WTTL and become a Premium WTTL Member. Reserved slot, Balancer whitelist, Votemap count and many more...Check it out!

Playerstats on our Server
Check out your Rank on our Battlefield 4 Server . We will reset the stats soon for a Contest. ;-)

Server Commands: User
Check out the server commands you can use as a normal and WTTL Premium User on our Servers.

About WTTL:

The [WTTL] Multi-Gaming Community was founded in mid 2013. [WTTL] was created for any gamer who not wants to play alone. [WTTL] want to give gamers for any game a place to talk about, to help each other and to play with each other. We also want to serve you some of the best gaming servers with custom scripts and plugins. The community strives off of member activity and the more that members are involved the more the comunity grows. We don't just stick to one game, we rather try to have as many games as possible associated with the community. - German